Snoop Dogg and Patrick Stewart are Investing in a Cannabis Company

Two of my all time favorite stoner celebrities, Snoop Dogg and Sir Patrick Stewart are investing in a British cannabis company together, which will of course mean great things for the company in question. Snoop has invested a total of 10 million dollars in Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies via his venture capital firm Casa Verde (literally: greenhouse). Casa Verde focuses on the aspects of the cannabis industry that are often ignored such as financial services, laboratories, and wellness companies. This investment will greatly help Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies as they conduct research on the ability of cannabis to treat medical conditions such as cancer, gastrointestinal diseases and of course inflammation.

Patrick Stewart is also supporting OCT’s research efforts. The actor came out as a cannabis user a couple years ago, saying that he uses cannabis daily to treat his arthritis. Stewart said in a statement, “I am proud to become a patron of OCT. It’s wonderful that OCT have got together the funding that means that Britain will lead the way in what is, in my view, one of the world’s most exciting fields of medical research. The possibilities seem to me to be virtually limitless." The former Star Trek captain will also serve on OCT’s advisory board.

This is good news for OCT, which will now be able to conduct this highly important research (no pun intended). With the attention that the joint investment will no doubt bring them, other benefactors will surely begin to come out of the woodwork.

Source: Independent

Image Source: FeedYeti

Got anything to add? Do you think other stoner celebs will jump on board? Tell us in the comments!