Why is Weed in California Not Up to Code?

California has some of the strictest cannabis quality control laws in the US. Is this why most of the weed  in California is not up to the state’s strict standards?

Starting on July 1st, the state of California recently made its quality control standards a lot more stringent. These new rule changes are causing a big headache for cannabis cultivators in California, as many are finding that most of their product is being rejected from dispensaries. What’s the deal with these new stringent policies? Are they really for public safety or is there something else going on?

The first thing that should be considered is that California has pretty strict state as far as liquor and food are concerned. So it should stand to reason that they would have incredibly high standards for their cannabis suppliers as well. Are the standards too high though? One in five samples of weed grown in California pass muster. Most suppliers run a preliminary test before submitting their samples for testing.

As far as quality control is concerned, California tests for a lot of things. Over sixty different types of pesticides are authorized in the state of California, and they of course have to check for all of them. California also tests for heavy metals, any of which trigger a recall should they fail the test.  

It's not a bad thing that California has such strict standards. I don’t eat tainted food, and I certainly won’t smoke tainted weed. Do you want to smoke weed with fungicide in it? Didn’t think so. If you buy weed via the black market in California, there’s a high chance you’re smoking the rejected weed. Buyer beware!

Source: Pot Network

Image Source: Al Jazeera

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